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Handling personal injury claims for Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos and beyond.
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Attorney Jared Pursley
Carlsbad Personal Injury LawyerCarlsbad Red Light Accident Lawyer

Carlsbad Red Light Accident Lawyer

California law is very clear that motorists must stop at a red traffic signal before they enter the crosswalk or intersection. It is against California Vehicle Code to “roll through” an intersection, even if you think you’re the only person on the road. The law also allows a right-turn on a red light if the driver comes to a complete stop first.

Nonetheless, countless drivers fail to follow the law, and they unsurprisingly strike other motorists and pedestrians. At Pursley Law Firm, we have met with dozens of people injured in red light accidents. They don’t know what happened, but they are struggling with serious, painful injuries and large medical bills. They need our help. If this describes you, please contact our firm to speak with our Carlsbad red light accident lawyer.

Common Reasons for Red Light Accidents

Motorists fail to stop at a red traffic signal for various reasons, including:

  • Some drivers are in a hurry and believe that stopping will waste valuable seconds. When they roll through the intersection, they often strike pedestrians and cyclists, or else they are involved in a crash with a car that has a green light. Impatient drivers also make a right-hand turn without checking that the way is clear.
  • Some motorists are too distracted to properly survey their surroundings. They might be talking on the phone or, even worse, sending a text message while driving.
  • Alcohol has many negative effects, including delayed reflexes and impaired coordination. Some drunk drivers go through an intersection without a second thought.
  • Tired drivers are nearly as dangerous as drunk drivers. They might even have nodded off for a second when approaching an intersection and only wake up once they have slammed into someone.

Can you receive compensation if a driver hit you at an intersection by violating the law? Yes—California law gives you that right.

Our firm can assist you by finding evidence of the traffic violation. For example, we can rely on your own memories or talk with other witnesses who saw that the driver didn’t come to a complete stop. If the accident happened downtown, then we might also look for surveillance video from nearby businesses.

You should receive compensation to cover your losses, such as medical care and lost income. Many red light accidents cause serious injuries, especially if the other driver was going at a high speed. You might struggle with a concussion or neck fracture, which prevents you from going back to work. Other painful injuries include back injuries, soft-tissue injuries, and shoulder injuries.

Were You Hurt at an Intersection?

Contact Pursley Law Firm today. Our legal team can analyze all the facts and identify helpful information that is missing. If hired, we can begin building your personal injury claim. All drivers who register a vehicle in California should have liability insurance, and we can submit a claim on the at-fault driver’s insurance for your damages. Speak with our Carlsbad red light accident lawyer today in a free consultation.

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